Check Order Status
If you already have your account, you may check your order’s status anytime by logging into your account and clicking the link “View Order Status”. “Awaiting Fulfillment” means your order was received and is being processed in our warehouse. “Shipped” means it has been shipped to the address you provided. You will receive an email when your order has shipped. Your delivery tracking number can help you monitor your merchandise. If you don’t have your own account, please email us or call our customer support team at (281)407-4288. We will be happy to provide you with tracking information or order status.
Order Cancellation
If you want to cancel or change your order, please contact us immediately. We ship and process quickly. Once your order is processed, we do not make any changes to it. For clarification or complaints, please call our customer service support.
Adding Items to an Existing Order
Unluckily, we are unable to add items to an existing order at the moment. Please place another order for your chosen item and call us so that we can ensure it is shipped out with your past order and so that we can waive shipping on your new order. You can also email us at Just make sure to use your existing order number as it is an important reference needed for adding items.