Designers on a Dime offers a curated collection of Vintage Designer Statement Pieces for women, along with on trend and highly affordable brand name clothing, bags, shoes and accessories, as well as our own power grid of rarebit style branded products. We strive to deliver the best shopping experience possible--and we work to improve each day. Our team sources a wide variety of fashionable game changer items for women and if you don’t see it in our online e-commerce store…Ping us...we may have it in our warehouse. Our intention is to make online shopping easier for you and more convenient.
We are constantly hunting for rare and authentic vintage items, offering you the best brands and styles that meet our rigorous authenticity and condition standards. We do not sell Fakes or Reproductions. Sometimes we describe an item as designer-escque. This means that it looks like something that is compatible with that designer's signature style. We take great pride in verifying all items sold as "vintage". Our experts meticulously try and verify the period authenticity of everything we sell. We offer an unconditional authenticity guarantee.
Here at Designers on a Dime, we have an edgy eye for what is fashionable and an incredible drive to exceed customer expectations. We are proud to earn the loyalty of e-shoppers and fashion enthusiasts alike. We have seen some remarkable accomplishments and aim to provide our customers with inspiring style…fashion remixes, fashion mash ups and encouraging style without definition. While fashion changes, we remain firm with our commitment to grow and evolve to be connected closely with you, our customer.